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SiLENSe6.4 설치파일

: 2023-12-05
: 629
: 0

We have implemented option of PL simulations in SiLENSe as following:
(i) First, carrier generation rate caused by the PL excitation is calculated in the same way as in version 5.15 and previous versions.
(ii) Then drift-diffusion computations are performed with inclusion of the photo-generated carriers into the transport equations.

The interface for setting input data for PL computation ("PL parameters" tab of SiLENSe) is the same to version 5.15 and previous
versions (the section with PL solver parameters is removed). Please note that one can specify the bias applied to the structure.

The absorption coefficient used to calculate the light absorption in the structure is added only for III-N materials in the way
exactly the same to version 5.15. It is very simple model of the absorption, and more advanced model might be needed.

Also, a small error is fixed in computation of the absorption because of free carriers (important only for laser computations).
The overall effect on laser results is very minor.

There was no changes in the file version, so version 6.3.1 can open files created by version 6.4.

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