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Electron and Hole Non-radiative lifetime

: 관리자
: 2023-12-03
: 143
: 0

Even if the value has blank(Not zero), it is calculated without any error, in case of the blank, what is thoses lifetime default value?

Blank value for both electron and hole non-radiative lifetimes results in zero recombination. If one value is blank, and other
filled, only filled is taken into account. For instance, if tau_e =1ns and tau_h = "blank", R = n/tau_e ; Note that this recombination
rate is added to one obtained from the dislocation density Eq. 6.1 in SiLENSe Physics Summary.

====> Additional comment....

The model of dislocation recombination is discussed in paper by Dr. Karpov. Please find a link to preprint below

Diffusion coefficients Dn and Dp are assumed to obey the Einstein relation D= mu*kT/e . So, they are calculated according to the user-defined mobilities in the respective layer.

Mean thermal velocities are calculated in a conventional manner, Vn = sqrt(8kT/mn*pi) and Vp=sqrt(8kT/mp*pi), where mn and mp are effective masses.

Fitting coefficent S=1 is used in SiLENSe.

Carrier lifetimes due to nonradiative recombination depend on many factors, mainly on the crystal quality. Typical lifetimes are in 1-100 ns range.


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