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IQE Droop and I-V curve
: 관리자
: 2023-12-03
: 203
: 0
1. In earlier works (2004_PSSb-214_2668 and 2005_PSSc-002_2928) there is comparison of simulated I-V curves with some experimental data. The computations were made by SiLENSe, assuming a certain series resistance of the LEDs. The most strong discrepancy is observed at low current densities where tunnelling current is important. IQE as a function of current has been calculated without accounting for Auger recombination. That is why, there is no efficiency droop in the theoretical characteristics.
2. In 2008_PSSc-005_2066 we have suggested that Auger recombination is responcible for the efficiency droop, independently of Lumileds. Since that time we are succeeded in predicting realistic IQE behaviour versus current density. The analysis of the droop in various LED structure is given in 2009_PSSc006_S804.
3. Detailed analysis of the I-V curve and Vf cannot be performed by using the SiLENSe simulator only. This is because the current spreading in an LED die depends on the electrode configuration. For detailed analysis of the above issues a combination of SiLENSe and SpeCLED is necessary (that is why we should assume a certain series resistance of the LED to calculate the I-V curve; SpeCLED calculates this characteristic on the basis of 3D current spreading analysis). The comparison of our theoretical predictions with experimental data are presented in the next papers (2007_PSSc-004_0045 and 2008_SST-023_125023). Our recent paper (2010_ThinGaN) demonstrates how RATRO module is used to find a relationship between IQE and EQE and how the LED chip design can be improved by modelling.