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mobility in SiLENSe

: 관리자
: 2023-12-03
: 215
: 0

1. electron(100)/hole(10) mobility was used as default for all layers in SiLENSe.
User knows actual mobility(over 1000) is much higher than 100/10.
Can you explain the reason why you used 100/10 mobility for GaN, AlGaN all layers despite impurity concentration and material is different?
and which mobility should user specify? for example, measured value in each layer?

1. You are right, the mobility depends on many parameters, particularly, on the doping concentration. And also on the temperature, on the composition of the alloy, on the electron concentration, on the crystal quality, and may be on other parameters of minor effect. That is why the mobility to be directly specified by the user, but not calculated automatically from the material database. 100/10 is just a default values of the right order of magnitude.

The record electron mobility about 2000 @ RT is reached for 2DEG in HEMT structures, with undoped channel and high 2DEG concentration. This case is different to thick doped contact layers used in LEDs.

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