4. User gets temperature set(.sct), 300K, 305K, 310K, 315K.
If SpeCLED p-n junction temperature has 303K, how SpeCLED solver process or select 303K .sct file?
What kind of interpolation is used for 303K data?
Please find below a procedure used by SpeCLED to calcuate the current density at given p-n junction bias U and the temperature T.
(i) Browse the loaded IV characteristics and find two closest temperatures loaded, T1 < T < T2.
(ii) Calculate j1=j(U,T1) and j2=j(U,T2) by linear interpolation over the bias.
(iii) Calculate j(U,T) by a linear interpolation over the temperature, j = j1 * (1-t) + t * j2; t = (T-T1)/(T2-T1)