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ITO by E-beam Deposition

: 관리자
: 2023-12-03
: 191
: 0

Electron-Beam Deposition Parameters
Best results are obtained using reactive evaporation at a slow rate and relatively high pressure because the starting material is reduced (loses oxygen) during evaporation. Recommended preconditioning consists of slowly sweeping a low power electron beam to gradually and uniformly fuse the surfaces of the material and avoid hole drilling by the beam. Monitor the pressure and crucible to minimize outgassing and spitting while slowly increasing the power to just below evaporation temperature.

Evaporation Temperature ~600 ° C
Oxygen Partial Pressure Near 5 x 10-5 Torr. Range
Rate ~2 ?/sec.
Substrate Temperature Near 300° C.

Film thicknesses should be in the range 1000-2000 ? for high IR reflectivity, but there is little dependence of conductivity on thickness.

The specific geometry of the evaporation system can influence the results, so the parameters listed should be considered guidelines. Post baking in air might be required to adjust the transmission or to obtain minimum sheet resistance.

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Physical Properties of Solid ITO Material

Molecular Weight Varies with composition
Melting Point ~1900° C
Color Light yellow to gray, depending on degree of oxidation
Crystal Density ~7.14 g/cc

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