열전도율 (Thermal conductivity)
물체 내부의 등온면의 단위 면적을 통과하여 단위 시간에 수직으로 흐르는 열량과 이 방향에서 온도 기울기의 비.
즉, 열이 전해지는 정도를 나타낸 것으로서 두께 1m인 판의 양면에 1K의 온도 차가 있을 때 그 판의 1m2를 통해서 1초 동안에
흐르는 열량을 줄(Joule)로 측정한 값으로 표시된다. 단위는 W/m/K이다.
ITO의 열전도율 추정
Thermal conductivity
1 W/(m K) = 0.85984 kcal/(h m oC) = 0.5779 Btu/(ft h oF)
1 Btu/(ft h oF) = 1.731 W/(m K) = 1.488 kcal/(h m oC)
1 kcal/(h m oC) = 1.163 W/(m K) = 0.6720 Btu/(ft h oF)
[출처] Thermal conductivity (열전도율)|작성자 제프
Thermal Conductivity - k - (W/m K)
Material/Substance Temperature (oC) Material/Substance Temperature (oC)
25 125 225 25 125 225
Acetone 0.16 Air 0.024 0 0
Acrylic 0.2 Aluminum 250 255 250
Air 0.024 Brass 109 0 0
Alcohol 0.17 Copper 401 400 398
Aluminum 250 255 250 Glass 1.05 0 0
Aluminum Oxide 30 Gold 310 312 310
Ammonia 0.022 Iron 80 68 60
Antimony 18.5 Nickel 91 0 0
Argon 0.016 Paper 0.05 0 0
Asbestos-cement board 0.744 PVC 0.19 0 0
Asbestos-cement sheets 0.166 PTFE 0.25 0 0
Asbestos-cement 2.07 Silver 429 0 0
Asbestos, loosely packed 0.15 Steel 46 0 0
Asbestos mill board 0.14 Stainless Steel 16 17 19
Asphalt 0.75 Water 0.58 0 0
Balsa 0.048
Bitumen 0.17
Benzene 0.16
Beryllium 218
Brass 109
Brick dense 1.31
Brick work 0.69
Cadmium 92
Carbon 1.7
Cement, portland 0.29
Cement, mortar 1.73
Chalk 0.09
Cobalt 69
Concrete, light 0.42
Concrete, stone 1.7
Constantan 22
Copper 401 400 398
Corian (ceramic filled) 1.06
Corkboard 0.043
Cork, regranulated 0.044
Cork, ground 0.043
Cotton 0.03
Carbon Steel 54 51 47
Cotton Wool insulation 0.029
Diatomaceous earth (Sil-o-cel) 0.06
Earth, dry 1.5
Ether 0.14
Epoxy 0.35
Felt insulation 0.04
Fiberglass 0.04
Fiber insulating board 0.048
Fiber hardboard 0.2
Fireclay brick 500oC 1.4
Foam Glass 0.042
Gasoline 0.15
Glass 1.05
Glass, Pearls, dry 0.18
Glass, Pearls, saturated 0.76
Class, window 0.96
Glass, wool Insulation 0.04
Glycerol 0.28
Gold 310 312 310
Granite 1.7 - 4.0
Gypsum or plaster board 0.17
Hairfelt 0.05
Hardboard high density 0.15
Hardwoods (oak, maple..) 0.16
Helium 0.142
Hydrogen 0.168
Ice (0oC, 32oF) 2.18
Insulation materials 0.035 - 0.16
Iridium 147
Iron 80 68 60
Iron, wrought 59
Iron, cast 55
Kapok insulation 0.034
Kerosene 0.15
Lead Pb 35
Leather, dry 0.14
Limestone 1.26 - 1.33
Magnesia insulation (85%) 0.07
Magnesium 156
Marble 2.6
Mercury 8
Methane 0.03
Methanol 0.21
Mica 0.71
Mineral wool blanket 0.04
Molybdenum 138
Monel 26
Nickel 91
Nitrogen 0.024
Nylon 6 0.25
Oil, machine 0.15
Olive oil 0.17
Oxygen 0.024
Paper 0.05
Paraffin Wax 0.25
Perlite, atmospheric pressure 0.031
Perlite, vacuum 0.00137
Plaster, gypsum 0.48
Plaster, metal lath 0.47
Plaster, wood lath 0.28
Plastics, foamed 0.03
Plastics, solid
Platinum 70 71 72
Plywood 0.13
Polyethylene HD 0.42 - 0.51
Polypropylene 0.1 - 0.22
Polystyrene expanded 0.03
Porcelain 1.5
PTFE 0.25
PVC 0.19
Pyrex glass 1.005
Quarts mineral 3
Rock Wool insulation 0.045
Sand, dry 0.35
Sand, saturated 2.7
Sandstone 1.7
Sawdust 0.08
Silica aerogel 0.02
Silicone oil 0.1
Silver 429
Snow (temp < 0oC) 0.05 - 0.25
Sodium 84
Softwoods (fir, pine ..) 0.12
Steel 46
Stainless Steel 16 17 19
Straw insulation 0.09
Styrofoam 0.033
Tin Sn 67
Zinc Zn 116
Urethane foam 0.021
Vermiculite 0.058
Vinyl ester 0.25
Water 0.58
Water, vapor (steam) 0.016
Wood across the grain, white pine 0.12
Wood across the grain, balsa 0.055
Wood across the grain, yellow pine 0.147
Wood, oak 0.17
Wool, felt 0.07
1 W/(m.K) = 1 W/(mo.C) = 0.85984 kcal/(h.m.oC) = 0.5779 Btu/(ft.h.oF)