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RATRO emission intensity

: 관리자
: 2023-12-03
: 284
: 0

1. The initial intensity of all rays is the same, while the number of
rays emitted from a particular cell is proportional to the product of
the cell area and the emission intensity (input from SpeCLED or uniform)
for this cell. Then during tracing intensity of a ray decreases because
of absorption in 3D blocks. Then ray intensity becomes less then some
prescribed fraction of the initial intensity (1% is default), the
tracing is stopped and this ray is considered as completely absorbed.

2. Far-field distribution is just emission intensity (just like the
near-field distribution at the external chip surfaces) calculated at the
surface in the sphere surrounding the chip. The sphere diameter and a
number of mesh cells along the diameter are RATRO solver parameters
which can be varied by the user. Please find a corrected scheme attached.

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