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Number of rays in RATRO

: 관리자
: 2023-12-03
: 123
: 0

RATRO 결과값에서 볼 수 있는 "Number of Rays"는 emission distribution과 mesh cell size에 비례하는 active region을 빠져나오기 전의 Ray수를 의미
따라서, cell size("Grid"탭에서 결정되는)를 균일하게 설정하게 될 경우 Ray 수는 Emission distribution에 비례함
cell size를 균일하게 생성하기 위해서는T-grid options 에서 "Adv.front" 옵션 선택...
RATRO결과값에는 직접적인 영향을 끼치지 않음

아래 원문내용 참고...

The cell size effects "Number of rays" directly, but the number of rays is
not a result of simulation, it is just an intermediate value. The results
like LEE, near-field and far-field distribution, and so on basically
independent on the cell size. They may depend on the cell size only
indirectly, through the question if the mesh is good enough to resolve the
current spreading pattern and, therefore, the emission density (i.e. input for RATRO).

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