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p-AlGaN or AlGaN 물성정의 in SpeCLED

: 관리자
: 2023-12-03
: 149
: 0

SpeCLED에서 p-GaN,n-GaN이 아닌 AlGaN 물성을 정의할 경우
아래 코멘트 참고

when user specify the layer of AlxGa(1-x)N or p-AlxGa(1-x)N with Mg in SpeCLED Material properties for
> semiconductor(Heat con.,g-factor,Ei,DOS,mobility).

Basically, one need specify the values for the respective material. Let me comment on the properties one by one.

- Heat conductivity of the alloy materials is known to be considerably less than that of binary compounds because of the phonon
scattering on the lattice fluctuations (there is a random distribution of Al and Ga ions in metallic sublattice, so called "alloy"

- The alloy scattering decreases the carrier mobility, too. However, in highly doped semiconductors mobility is usually limited by
the doping level.

- Activation energy considerably increases with Al content and this effect may be important for p-AlGaN.

- DOS varies with the effective masses. One can include this effect by calculating the effective masses and then DOS according to
Eqs. (3.2) and (3.3) of SiLENSe Physics Summary. Or one can neglect it because the difference with GaN is moderate...

- g-factor may be taken constant

However, I would like to draw your attention to the following point. If we speak about p-AlGaN, its electrical conductivity is
very poor (at least, it is lower than that of p-GaN). So, any reasonable chip design will NOT rely on the lateral current
spreading within p-AlGaN. Instead, people will use metallic contacts covering all p-side (in case of flip-chip mounting) or ITO
spreading layer (in case of face up mounting and light extraction through p-side). Eventually, the computations for any reasonable
chip will not strongly depend on the p-AlGaN electrical conductivity. Also, thermal conductivity of p-AlGaN will not effect the
heat transfer because of low p-AlGaN thickness.

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