SiLENSe Quaternary System Composition 입력값에 대한 계산 방식입니다.
아래 내용과 SiLENSe physics summary 내용 참고하시기 바랍니다.
3. I think that the compositions are correct. Please note that in SiLENSe we specify not fractions of atoms, but fractions of
binary compounds.
For the first layer we have In0.63Ga0.37As0.9P0.1 layer, which is specified in SiLENSe as
0.567*InAs + 0.333*GaAs + 0.063*InP + 0.037*GaP.
For example, P fraction (0.1) is a sum of InP and GaP fractions, 0.063+0.037=0.1.
Please look at the first line of Eq. (3.5) of Physics Summary which represents a linear interpolation of Eg (while bowing is
presented by the second line).