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자분탐상 및 침투탐상 국제표준

: 라비노
: 2023-12-03
: 278
: 0
ISO 9934    NDT - Magnetic particle testing. 비파괴시험 - 자분탐상시험
                 -part 1 :2001   General principle. 일반원칙
                 -part 2 :2002   Detection media. 시험매체
                 -part 3 :2002   Equipment. 장치
ISO 17638 :2003   Non-destructive testing of welds - Magnetic particlr testing.          
                           용접부의 비파괴시험 - 자분탐상시험   
ISO 9402 :1989    Seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for
                           pressure purposes - Full peripheral transducer/flux leakage testing of
                           ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal imperfections.
                           압력용 이음매 없는 강관 및 용접(서브머지드 아크 용접 제외) 강관 - 자성강관의
                           축 방향의 결함 검출용 누설 자속탐상시험.
ISO 9598 :1989    Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Full peripheral transducer/flux
                           leakage testing of ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of transverse
                           압력용 이음매 없는 강관 - 자성강관의 횡방향의 결함 검출용 누설자속탐상시험.
ISO 13664 :1997   Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Magnetic particle inspection
                           of the tube ends for the detection of laminar imperfections.
                           압력용 이음매 없는 강관 - 관 끝부의 층상 결함 검출용 자분탐상검사
ISO 13665 :1997   Seamless and welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Magnetic particle
                           inspection of the tube body for the detection of surface imperfections.
                           압력용 이음매 없는 강관 및 용접강관 - 관 본체의 표면 결함 검출용 자분탐상검사.
ISO 4986 :1992    Steel casting - Magnetic particle inspection.
                           주강품 - 자분탐상검사.
ISO 6933 :1986    Railway rolling stock material - Magnetic particle inspection acceptance
                           철도용 압연재 - 자분탐상검사법에 의한 인수시험.
ISO 2178 :1982    Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates - Measurement of coating
                           thickness - Magnetic method.
                           자성 바탕 위의 비자성 피복 - 피막 두께측정 - 자력식 시험방법.
ISO 2361 :1982    Electrodeposited nickel coatings on magnetic and non-magnetic substrates -
                           Measurement of coating thickness - Magnetic method.
                           비자성 바탕 위의 전기 니켈 도금 - 피막 두께 측정 - 자력식 시험방법.


ISO 12706 : 2000    Non-destructive testing - Terminology-Terms used in penetrant testing.

                              비파괴검사 - 정의 - 침투탐상시험에서 사용되는 용어

ISO 3452 : 1984      Non-destructive testing - Penetrant inspection - General principles.

                              비파괴검사 - 침투탐상검사- 일반원리

ISO 3452-2 : 2000   Non-destructive testing - Penetrant inspection - Part 2 : Testing of penetrant


                              비파괴검사 - 침투탐상검사-제 2 부 : 침투탐상제의 시험

ISO 3452 -3 : 1998  Non-destructive testing - Penetrant inspection - Part 3 : Reference test blocks.

                              비파괴검사 - 침투탐상검사- 제 3 부 : 대비시험편

ISO 3452-4 : 1998   Non-destructive testing - Penetrant inspection - Part 4 : Equipment.

                              비파괴검사 - 침투탐상검사- 제 4 부 : 장비

ISO 3453 : 1984      Non-destructive testing-Liquid penetrant inspection- Means of verification.

                              비파괴검사 - 침투탐상검사- 검증수단

ISO 9935 : 1992      Non-destructive testing - Penetrant flaw detectors - General technical


                              비파괴검사 - 침투탐상검사-기술요구 일반

ISO 3059 : 1974      Non-destructive testing - Method for indirect assessment of black light


                              비파괴검사 - 자외선원의 간접 평가방법

ISO 4987 : 1992      Steel casting - Penetrant inspection.


ISO 9916 : 1991      Aluminum alloy and magnesium alloy castings-Liquid penetrant inspection.

                              알루미늄 합금 및 마그네슘 합금 주조품 - 침투탐상검사

ISO 12095 : 1994     Seamless and welded steel tubes for pressure purposes-Liquid penetrant


                              압력용 이음매 없는 용접강관- 침투탐상시험

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