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LED simulation관련 논문자료

: 관리자
: 2023-12-03
: 111
: 0

압축 파일에 포함되어 있는 논문 리스트..

1. Dislocation effect on Light Emission efficiecy in GaN
2. The effect of Si doping in selected barrier on the electroluminescence of InGaN/GaN MQW LED
3. Carrier Distribution in (0001) InGaN/GaN MQW LED
4. Simulation of V and UV III-N LED
5. Theorical study of current overflow in GaN based LED with superlattice cladding layers
6. Designe and simulation of ZnO based LED structures
7. Segregation effcts and bandgap engineering in InGaN QW heterostructures
8. Hybrid ZnO/III-N LED: modelling analysis of operation
9. Modeling study of MQW LED operation
10. Current spreading and thermal effects in blue LED dice
11. Current Spreading, Heat transfer and light extraction in multi-pixel array
12. Bandgap engineering of electronic and optoelectronics devices on native AlN and GaN substrate
13. Analytical model for the quantum-confined Stark effect including electric field screening by non-equilibrium carriers
14. Carrier injection and light emission in visible and UV nitride LEDs by modeling
15. Heterojunctions between III-N short-period superlattics
16. Auger recombination responsible for the efficiency rollover in III-N LED
17. ZnO epilayers on GaN templates: polarity control and valence-band offset
18. Fabrication and characterization of n-ZnO/p-AlGaN heterojunction LED on 6H-SiC substrates
19. Polarization Effects in Heterojunction band offset measurements of the ZnO-GaN interface
20. Structure and electronic properties of the polar ZnO-GaN(0001) Interface
21. Spatial distribution of Local Schottky and Ohmic Junction at ITO/p-GaN Interfaces Studied by Scanning Photoelectron Microscopy.
22. Low Resistance optically Transparent Contacts to p-type GaN Using oxidized Ni/Au and ITO for LED application.
23. Investigation of the p-GaN ohmic contact property by using a Synchrotron Radiation Analysis.
24. InGaN/GaN LED with ITO p-contact layers prepared by RF sputtering.
25. Strain-induced polarization in wurtzite III-Nitride semipolar layers
26. Indium Tin Oxide contacts to GaN optoelectronic devices
27. Hybride CdZnO/GaN QW LED
28. Effects of electron and optical confinement on performance of UV LD
29. High Brightness AlGaInP LEDs
30. Current spreading, heat transfer and light extraction in multi-pixel LED array
31. The doping of GaN with Mg diffusion
32. Band parameters for N-containing semiconductors
33. Effect of Electron Blockling Layer on Efficicency droop in InGaN/GaN MQW LED(with SiLENSe)
34. Properties of undoped GaN/InGaN MQWs and GaN/InGaN p-n Junction prepared by epitaxial lateral overgrowth(with SiLENSe)
35. Structure and electronic properties of the polar ZnO-GaN(0001) interface.
36. Characteristics of InGaN based UV/Blue/Green/Amber/Red LEDs
37. Assesment of various LED structure designs for high-current operation
38. Current crowding effect on light extraction efficiency of thin-film LEDs
39. Band parameters for Nitrogen-containing semiconductors
40. Dielectric function of Nitride semiconductor:Recent experimental result
41. Carrier injection and light emission in visible and UV nitride LEDs by modeling
42. Modelling of MQW LED operation
43. Is Auger recombination responsible for the efficiency rollover in III-N LED?
44. Coupled Modeling of Current Spreading, Thermal Effects, and Light Extraction in III-N LEDs
45. Ehancement of light extraction in UV-LED using nanopixel contact design with Al reflctor
46. ZnO epilayers on GaN templates: Polarity control and valence-band offset
47. Fabrication and characterization of n-ZnO/p-AlGaN heterojunction LEDs on 6H-SiC substrate
48. Polarization effects in Heterojunction band offset measurements of the ZnO p-GaN Interface
49. Structure and electronic properties of the polar ZnO-GaN(0001) interface
50. Thermal conductivity of Bulk ZnO after different thermal treatments
51. Simulation of hybrid ZnO/AlGaN single-heterostructure LED
52. Hybrid ZnO/III-N LEDs:modelling analysis of operation
53. effect of free-carrier absorption on performance of 808nm AlGaAs-based high power LDs
54. Hybrid CdZnO/GaN QW LEDs
55. Effect of ITO spreading layer on performance of blue LEDs
56 and 56-1. Comparison of alternatice approaches to high-power thin-film LED chip design
57. Effect of electron and optical confinement on performance of UV LDs
58. Doping of AlGaN alloys

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