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SpeCLEDRATRO4.15 설치파일

: SimuLED
: 2023-12-04
: 145
: 0

1. Account for lateral carrier diffusion in the active region and surface recombination at the side walls. Please find attached
our recent publication on this topic.

Please note that to use this option, one need import I-V characteristics by using "Table Input" option. SiLENSe version 5.11
exports such a table "Section for a table (*.txt)", not *.sct file . This will generate a table for a certain temperature. Then
one can run simulation for another temperature, make output file, and so on. Then one should manually join this output text
(*.txt) files into one *.txt file and import into the SpeCLED by using "Table Input" option. Three new columns will be listed in
the table: 2D electron concentration, 2D hole concentration, and injection efficiency. These additional columns are used in
analysis of lateral carrier diffusion, which is done after the main computation, if the respective check box is checked in "Run"
tab (below list of materials and chip elements). The main SpeCLED computation is done with no changes.

To conclude, to use new option one needs to the following:
- Import active region characteristics by using "Table Input" option and with data containing 7 columns (old data format with 4
columns is also supported, but will not allows to use new option).
- Check "Account for lateral diffusion in the active region" check box in "Run" tab and specify carrier diffusion coefficients and
surface recombination velocity. The latter parameter is rather contraversal, while typical value is about 1e4 - 1e5 cm/s for
non-passivated surfaces and much lower for passivated surfaces (one can use 1 cm/s).

Solver checks active region I-V data at start and produces warning if they are not sufficient for computing lateral carrier
diffusion in the active region and surface recombination. User can break computations or continue them without surface
recombination. So, we avoid situation that incomplete active region I-V data results in long waiting of results and then error in

2. A number of technical Improved related to run computations: mode to start several fixed currents, automatic choose of the first
initial voltage, more smart iterations of voltage to fit specified current, change of settings - accuracy of current fitting now
specified in relative units (in old version in absolute values in mA, that was not good for series computations, say from 1 mA to
1000 mA). New mode for series computations for several fixed currents is quite useful, because allows to compare two chip designs
at the same currents. As for "auto" option for the initial voltage, it will improve the speed if the user has no initial guess.
Contrary, if one already knows the voltage (say, if the change in the input data is minor compared to previous computations), it
might be better use manual specification of the initial voltage and a low first voltage step (in other work like in previous

3. Additional blocking layer requested by an user is implemented as following. There is optional additional blocking layer
between p-electrode and p-spreading (ITO) layer, called "p-blocking 2". It is available only if p-spreading is used and can be
used in any combination with usual blocking layer (called "p-blocking 1") between p-spreading and p-semiconductor (none, only 1,
only 2, both). Please see respective changes in "Project Configuration" window and "Layers" tab.

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