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DUV LED/LD Successfull story

: SimuLED
: 2023-12-04
: 125
: 0

STR Sofware를 사용한 DUV LED/LD Successfull story

1. Enhancement of light extraction in UV LEDs(2010)
2. Effect of dopant concentration in AlGaN blocking layer on operation of UV LED(2011)
3. Near UV LED grown by atmospheric pressure MOVPE(2011)
4. Efficient charge carrier injection(2014)
5. Effect of the heterostructure design on injection efficiency and EQE of UV-B LEDs(2015)
6. Solution of electron overflow problem(2015)
7. A strategy for increasing the overlap integral of electron and hole wave functions(2017)
8. Optimization of structure parameters for deep UV LEDs(2017)
9. UV LED with uniform emission pattern(2017)
10. Flip-Chip DUV LEDs(2018)
11. Deep UV LED with graded superlattice EBL(2018)
12. Degradation effects of the active region in UV-C LEDs(2018)
13. Electro-optical properties of AlGaN-based UVC LEDs(2019)
14. Light Confinement, UVB LD with Al composition-graded p-AlGaN cladding layer(2019)
15. Phase shifting electron holography, UVB LD with Al composition-graded p-AlGaN cladding layer(2019)
16. N-polar AlGaN-based DUV LEDs(2020)
17. AlGaN-based UV-B laser diode with a high optical confinement fact(2021)
18. Carrier injection efficiency of AlGaN UV-B laser diodes(2021)

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