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SimuLED 2008 upgrade내용

: infotc
: 2023-12-03
: 213
: 0

10월 15일 릴리즈될 "SimuLED 2008" 업그레이드 내용입니다.

- Temperature dependence of the energy gap is described in terms of Varshni
parameters a and b.
- Original model of IQE increase in InGaN QWs due to carrier localization in
In-rich composition fluctuations
- Simulation of nonpolar and semipolar heterostructures
- Some improvements of the user interface

- Simulation of the current spreading and the heat transfer in the substrate
and in the pad contact
- Simulation of ITO spreading layer
- Manual input of the active region properties (if used without SiLENSe)
- User-defined grid in z-direction
- User interface interface was considerably revised. Particularly, input of
2D layout and creation of 3D geometry is further simplified.

- More flexible specification of the material optical properties, including
wavelenght-dependent refractive index.
- More flexible specification of the light scattering on external and
internal surfaces
- Original model of light scattering on surfaces patterned with hexagonal or
rectangular pyramids or holes
- Option of using RATRO without SpeCLED assuming uniform distribution of the
emission intensity over the active region plane
- Modeling of light propagation in the LED chip accounting for the
light polarization.

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