5월27일자로 debug된 SpeCLED and RATRO2008 가 되었습니다.
아래 내용 참고하시기 바랍니다.
SpeCLED solver:
- Names of output variable are changed to improve clearness. The meaning is
the same, SimuLEDView documentation is updated.
- Output file names in serial computations include _ser suffix to avoid
overwriting results of single computations with full info (while series
results include active region and integral parameters only, except to the
first point). Also, output file names may contain digits after decimal point
to avoid overwriting of the results at low currents. For instance, older
solver will give the same name to results at 1.8 and 2.2 mA current.
- In report section, averaged IQE is added. The averaging is done with
weight of jz, so averaged IQE indeed describes the overall efficiency of
current conversion into the light.
- In planar LEDs, the contact voltage drop on n-electrode caused by non-zero
contact resistance is now positive (it was negative in previous version, I
guess, because of negative Jz here).
- Automatic choice of solver parameters 'Urelax' and 'UInert' is added. The
user can switch on/off auto update of solver parameters by using Automatic
check box (see page 'Status' of the solver log). In automatic mode, solver
decrease relaxation and increase inertia in case of current oscillations.
- Global current balance is also controlled now. Ideally, the total current
thorugh the n-pad, active region , and p-pad to be the same. The discrepancy
(in mA) is shown by the blue line in DeltaJ chart. Criterion is that
discrepancy to be below 0.1 mA (this level is not shown).
- Some other internal changes are made in solver in order to make better
- 'Mirror' and 'Multiple layer' surfaces are available for all surfaces of
'Surface properties' list.
- In 'Multiple layer' surface, 'repeat' button is added, which copies two
last layers. This option fascilitates input of DBR mirrors.
- Some minor bugs are fixed.
RATRO solver
- Some minor bugs are fixed.