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SpeCLEDRATRO2008 update 완료

: infotc
: 2023-12-03
: 194
: 0

SpeCLEDRATRO2008 업데이트되었으며 내용은 아래와 같습니다.

- Patterning with hemispheres is supported.

- Simultaneous use of ‘Multiple Layer’ and ‘Patterning’ options for the same surface is
supported. It makes surface specification much more flexible, for instance, it will be
possible to simulate a patterned surface covered with a metal layer.

- Tool for fast calculation of the scattering properties of a patterned surface is built-in into
the interface. In result, the user is able to see probability of light reflection, transmission,
and absorption at the patterned surface in a way similar to that used for other surfaces.

- Refractive and absorption indices (n, k) of the materials available for using in ‘Multiple
Layer’ surface are stored in a set of text files now. Now, users can modify optical
properties of these materials (which were hardcoded in previous versions), as well as
add their own new materials.

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