SiLENSe내에 있는 CdMgZnO의 물성정보가 업데이트 되었습니다.
CdMgZnO를 사용하시는 분은 반드시 업데이트 하시기 바랍니다.
This update is CRITICAL for the customers simulating CdMgZnO alloy and is not important for others.
변경된 내용은 아래와 같습니다.
Material properties of CdMgZnO alloy were updated on release of SiLENSe 4.1 in August 2009. Recently, an error in
material properties of MgO was noticed and fixed. The electron affinity value was not updated according to the updated
value of the energy gap. Eventually, completely wrong band offsets are predicted at MgZnO/ZnO interfaces. The correct
value is 1.54 eV, while old value is 0.015 eV.
The differences to the previous distributives of version 4.2 are as follows:
(i) Electron affinity of MgO if fixed in the default database ('wurtzite.mat' file) as well as in all examples for
GaN-based and ZnO-GaN based structures.
(ii) Some references are fixed in PropertiesEditor_DefaultParameters document