SiLENSe5.0 버전의 Quantum potential에 관한 QnA 참고하십시요.
1. Quantum Potential Correction Factor
Zero correction factor leads to simulation results which are equal to those obtained with no quantum potential correction at all.
There is no formal limit for this factor, but my opinion one need not set it higher than 2-3. The program allows values in [0,10]
2. How does user confirm tunneling effect? Do you have good way that user can prove the difference of between drift diffusion model
and Quantum potential model?
Of course, one can not "turn off" tunneling in real device. So, there are two ways to prove the model - comparison with experiment
for the same model settings and some range of the experimental data and some theoretical comparisons with more elaborated
computations done for some particular cases. We are working on it. Some our results appeared in the document on the quantum potential.