SiLENSe5.2 release note 첨부하였습니다.
Physical model:
- Support of custom inclination angle by choosing "Custom Inclination Angle" option in the "Orientation" drop-down list in
"Heterostructure" tab.
- Two errors in computation of the piezoelectric polarization for semi-polar orientation is fixed. The error was in paper by
Romanov et. al from where equations were borrowed. Now we have completely re-derived these equations and resolve all the errors
appeared in the paper. Please note that computations for polar orientations contained no error and was not changed. So, this
update do not alter results for polar orientations (that is important for most of the customers).
User interface:
- An error in opening project files of versions 4.2 and older is fixed (versions 5.0 and 5.1 can not open these old files, and a
two-step conversion was required - to version 4.4 and then to 5.0 or 5.1). Now version 5.2 can open files of all previous versions.