The volume mixture ratio is controlled by the particle concentration and the particle size distribution. In the example "SimuLAMP 2.0\Examples\1 - Optical Management\3 - White LED with 2 Phosphors\LED_2_phosphors.lmp" the size distribution for both phosphors is Gauss function with the same mean peak radius of 1 um. Neglecting the different deviation, we can assume that the particle size is equal. The particle concentration is quite different: 7.6e9 for YAG and 2.5e8 for CaSiAlN: Eu. So, the ratio between the volume filled with YAG and the volume filled with CaSiAlN: Eu is about 76/2.5 = 30 . Also, the volume fraction filled by phosphor is calculated automatically and shown along with the particle concentration (please see a screenshot attached). This value is more accurate as it is calculated with exact account of the size distribution. |